Police Story 2013 2013

Police Story 2013


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Police Story 2013

Plot Synopsis

Night. Inside an enormous bar on a busy street, all the patrons are being held hostage. Among them are policeman Zhong Wen and his daughter Miao Miao, and several strangers who seem to have met before... The kidnapper is the bar owner Wu Jiang. His only demand is the release of a long-term prisoner. What motive is worth this risk? The prisoner is brought to the scene of the crime, but the police now face an even greater crisis, as a cold case is re-opened. Cold is the mind of the policeman, decisively using his wits to resolve the crisis; his mission is to find - the truth. Cold is the blood of the criminal, calmly carrying out his evil plan for - his revenge. Cold are the hearts of uncaring people, reacquainted only to pay the ultimate price for their selfishness - their lives. Cold are the facts that prove to the rebellious Miao Miao through her extreme ordeal with her father - their love. This is a death-match to avenge a lost love.

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